Item Code: 06081002000864
Density: 1.05 kg/literPhysical nature: liquidshomogeneous suspensionCountry of Origin BezarzelThe volume of the package is one liter
Ferti-Peixe is made from several species of Brazilian Fish remains (the part that is left after the fillet is removed for human consumption). Several species are better, because each species has a different nutrients analysis profile, so you get a full range of nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and growth hormones. This process ensures a very consistent product from day to day and year to year.
- Ferti-Peixe also contains original Protein, omega-3 fish oils and calcium. You can see the improved condition in pasture animals and crops!!
- Along with reduced use of acidifying fertilizers, Ferti-Peixe stimulates earthworm, dung beetle and microbial activity rebuilding depleted soils.
- Ferti-Peixe is directly anti-fungal and enhances resistance to a broad range of plant pathogens and chewing insects.
Ferti-Peixe is directly anti-fungal and enhances resistance to a broad range of plant pathogens and chewing insects.
With regular use Ferti-Peixe successfully controls aphid and mite infestations and reduces nematode populations when added directly to the soil.
Ferti-Peixe is having excellent results in a range of farming and horticultural applications from growing pasture to crops and fruit and vegetables. It is excellent in the home garden and in large scale agriculture!
Scientific testing has shown that Ferti-Peixe foliar spray is ten times more effective than other methods of fertilizer application.
For Indoor Plants - Mix 1ml in 1 liter of water and spray it on the soil and the foliage every 15 days.
For Outdoor Plant - Mix 2ml in 1 liter of water and spray it on the soil and the foliage every 15 days.