3 Stage Inside Jumbo Filters - Per Filter

Item Code: FCPS5M20B/FCCBL20BB


A "3-stage inside jumbo filter" typically refers to a large-capacity water filtration cartridge designed to fit inside a jumbo-sized filter housing

2 polypropylene inside filter + CARBON BLOCK inside filter

Aquafilter offers FCPS cartridges suitable for POU (Point of Use) and POE (Points of Entry) installations. Through its polypropylene filter media, FCPS series removes solids in suspension in a wide range of micron rating, protecting your water stream and enhancing a continuous supply of fresh and clean drinking water.

Ido Contracting

I Do focuses on construction, water tank cleaning, UV Sanitizing and tank filter replacement in addition to other sanitizing services.

We provide tank cleaning and maintenance services using the latest technologies that increase efficiency and reduce service duration. It is also important to note that the tanks are sanitized without the use of any chemicals.