Item Code: bdr010
Phostrogen All Purpose Plant Food, allows the soil to contain nutrients to help plants grow, over time even the richest soil becomes exhausted as the plants absorb the goodness they need through their roots. Unless the nutrients and trace elements are regularly replaced by the application of a well balanced feed, your plants will cease to thrive Phostrogen All Purpose Plant Food also provides the perfect balance of nutrients, for long lasting beautiful blooms and lush greenery and for helping plant develop a strong and heathy root system. NPK: 16:20:24 plus trace elements.
Can be used for all plants, in the garden, greenhouse and home. For best results, use regularly throughout the growing season. Store under cool, dry conditions, as this will not deteriorate. Feed houseplants with phostrogen when actively growing. Pour any of the unused solution onto bare soil, avoid lawns with grass. Keep out of reach from children. Always read the label.